Monday, December 2, 2013

December rez posted .

Read the December 2013 issue of rez in Issuu:

This year-end issue features Jami Mills's illuminating interview with SL's iconic artist, Molly Bloom.  Jami provides us with some dazzling images of Molly's assorted and varied work in her cover article, In Full Bloom.  StarGazer Daylight interviews Anne Maertens in Chatting With Anne Maertens About Fashion, and discovers the heart of the fashion world in SL.  Gudrun Gausman, in Yes, Gudrun, There *IS* a Santa Claus, tells us why we're crazy to doubt the existence of 'ol Saint Nick in the face of so much proof.  The Perfect Gentleman, Harry Bailey, urges us to remember those we have lost in Remembering Our Friends Memorial. And finally, Crap Mariner tutors us on the history of art in his scurilous The History of Art