We welcome you to the February issue of rez with an inspiring story about someone bitten. It took very little to convince Cassie Parker that she could realize in a virtual real what she had so successfully manifested in her real life passion - - a creative space devoted entirely to the artist - - a sim called TerpsiCorps Isle, named after the muse of dance, Terpsichore. Many of us have dreams, but far fewer have the willpower to realize them in such a grand style. With the opening of this magical sim, Cassie proves that dreams do come true. Never will an artist feel more nurtured, surrounded with tranquility to settle the mind, but also the tools to create, in the form of state-of-the-art rehearsal and staging space. Cassie has gathered an array of talent to create one of the grandest theaters on the grid. Chrissy Rhiano deserves a special shout out for her superlative build and Lantana Silverweb provides sumptuous photos for us in Cassie’s cover story, TerpsiCorps Isle – The Evolution of an Arts Sim. Amy Inawe delivers a powerful and unnerving poem, Dark Confidences, about strangers in the night, saying perhaps more than they should. And by now, we all know that Art Blue is very much alive. Witness his amazing conclusion to his study of past, present and future, Final Blue: The Origin. Never has a more original writer graced the pages of rez. We’re lucky to be able to bring his vision to you, alive or dead. We have an abundance of riches this issue with two pieces by Merope Madrigal, the first is Mule Deer, a sensitive study of a beautiful and furtive animal. Mariner Trilling’s sensational And You Danced in the Streets of New Orleans brings the vibrant Bourbon Street alive, and lets us feel the unfettered joy of wild abandon in a city where anything goes. Jullianna Juliesse follows with a timely and wonderful poem, Demon Dialing the Eagles, made all the more poignant with the passing of Glenn Frye. Wonder what’s up with the Wishbone mission? Jami Mills brings more to light in the fourth installment, Wishbone One: Grace of God, where the AI Grace reveals more depth than we suspected. Lift off is only days away. Adrian Blair returns with a charming and mystifying poem The Last Magician that simply takes our breath away with the snap of a silk scarf. Merope Madrigal closes with Boys I’d Like to Fuck #4 (Robert Downey, Jr.), containing her thoughts about how nice it might have been, for both her and RDJ, had events transpired slightly differently.