Read the April issue of
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In this month’s issue, Jami Mills takes us inside the 2016 edition of one of the greatest virtual immersive entertainments ever, Le Cirque de Nui, chryblnd Scribe’s steampunk adaptation of Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus. We’ve featured this unique entertainment before (see August 2014 edition of rez in our archives), but the production is only getting better with time. Congratulations to the entire Cirque crew for bringing us another installment of this mesmerizing and totally enchanting entertainment. May you continue to find new avenues to explore so we call all enjoy this show for years to come. We also hope you will enjoy Mario Zecca’s contribution, The Magniloquent Linguist, a poem that effectively uses the rhythms of the street, and in so doing, brings the street alive. In the sixth and final installment of her sci-fi thriller, Wishbone One, Jami Mills brings her short story to an exciting conclusion, wherein we learn of some of the pitfalls of prolonged space travel. Casey A is a heartachingly personal and poignant poem by longtime contributor and superb poet, Zymony Guyot. You’ll notice that Art Blue has not contributed this month. Instead, Ray Blue dazzles us with futuristic piece called The Swimmer. And just who is Ray Blue? You’ll need to read this futuristic piece to find out. Where or when we’ll ever hear from Art again is up for speculation. Perhaps his AI, Neruval, can be coaxed into explaining Art’s whereabouts. Jullianna Juliesse has written a dark piece, Fait Accompli, that causes us to question the quality and duration of our existence here. And finally, in Hummingbird Feeder, Wolfgang Glinka returns to our pages with a sultry poem about summers on the porch. Enjoy.