Friday, April 3, 2015

April rez Posted

read the April issue of rez in Issuu:

Welcome to the spring issue of rez Magazine, wherein we introduce the second installment of Art Blue's The Moonrezzer: The Springfield Bet on the Moon.  Art makes a wager that he already knows he's going to win. How? Because he knows more about one thing than anyone else:  the Future.  And joining Art this month for the first time is his AI, the wise owl with bookish good looks, Neruval, who chimes in with an observation about computers and their capabilities and their souls in Cloudrezzer.  Crap Mariner is troubled about something this month: cat hair on his favorite shirt. Find out what he proposes to do about it. This month, Jami Mills examines just how Relay For Life operates here in the virtual world, and elsewhere. Much to her surprise, she finds that avatars are generous givers to charity, especially one so worthwhile as The American Cancer Society. Jami focuses on one particular team, CDS Hooters Philanthropic Society, who, together with all the other virtual teams over the years, has raised over $2,000,000 (US Dollars, not lindens) for a very deserving cause, the battle against cancer.   Emily Hamelin has kept us on the edge of our seats for several months now. She gets inside the mind of a cunning, beautiful, and introspective assassin, going about her business.  This, the third and final episode, throws us a curve we weren't expecting, leaving us breathless. Hitomi Tamatzui takes her camera in tow and actually enters an exciting virtual photography competition, PhotoHunt, where photographers of all stripes congregate and have one hour to submit a photo (no PhotoShopping or even cropping).  As only she can do, she takes us along for a typical evening's fun, and we're glad she did.  Elysienne returns to our pages with a heartfelt and passionate Quebeckers, a recitation of the joy and conflict of being a Quebecker with deep Cree roots.  Elysienne speaks honesty and directly from the heart.  Her piece is still with me to this day. Thank you for taking a peek.

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