Tuesday, December 31, 2019

January rez Posted

Read the January issue of rez in Issuu:

Kick off the new year properly with a resolution to read more good writing. The January issue of rez Magazine has just the lineup to help you keep this resolution, and it’s cheaper than a gym membership. Ervare takes a deep dive into Sansar and almost doesn’t return, maybe because he wasn’t wearing his swim goggles. Find out how Bryn Oh tried to steer him to safety.  Jami Mills contributes a short story, Confessions of Dr. K, about a stranger who, for the thrill of it, cons his way into the most prestigious hospital in Boston, only to find himself in the OR. In her piece called S.O.S.!, our intrepid cub reporter, Barbie Starr, tells us about Survivors of Suicide, a group here in SL that supports those who are suffering and thought about or have been affected by suicide. A difficult but nonetheless important topic in these troubled times. Dearstluv Writer returns to our pages with a lovely poem, Morality, challenging our notion of the right thing to do. Our writer Cat Boccaccio, who says more with less, tells a tale of desperation that ends suddenly, in her micro-fiction powerhouse, The Perfect Way. We can’t get enough of rakshowes’s superlative poetry, and her current offering, The Season, the Season, looks a little deeper into the true meaning of Christmas. In One Breath to Next, Drover Mahogany takes us into deeper and deeper levels of emotion with profound effect. Poetess Jullianna Juliesse contributes Insomniac this month, which will keep you up all night if you’re not careful. Newcomer Brian Berlin brings us The Door, which is an unsettling piece about the tricks our brains play on us. In Smart Australia, Neruval, the owl AI, describes the great fire that destroyed Sydney and bemoans the loss of the Great Barrier Reef to the ravages of climate change, something that will surely affect the migratory patterns of owls for years to come. And finally, in A Short Life, Art Blue asks whether it is better to live a short exciting life or a long dull one. He answers that question as you might expect.

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