Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September rez Posted

 Read the September issue of rez in issuu:

Now that summer reading season is drawing to a close, wouldn’t it be nice to have a collection of stories and poetry to browse through. We have just the thing for you this month. Art Blue starts things off with Gachabuddy, where he laments the passing of Gacha and wonders how we’ll ever survive. RoseDrop Rust is back with us this month and delivers a sublime poem, Pocket Stone, describing a reminder of true love. Cybele Moon inhabits a magical work and brings it to life in her enchanting fable, The View from Teegarden’s Star. We are so lucky to have such imaginative work from one of our most talented writers. In Happy Time, Cat Boccaccio paints a grim picture of Mrs Bak’s resting bitch face, in a study of a character we all recognize. Zati Kodaly reveals in Full Colonel Salute some of the formalities of death in the military community. Beautiful work. Pay Me Twice is the first installment of Art Blue’s series, The Blockchain Vision Series, and this piece is filled with blockchain and bitcoin information. In The Coming, Rakshowes reminds us that even in a Starbucks, events occur which cannot easily be explained. Stalking predators inhabit Dearstluv Writer’s world in Wolves, a beautiful poem about our current state of affairs. And to close things out, Nazzie Darkshadow wows us with Warrior, a powerful poem about pain, darkness and (ultimately) faith. We hope you enjoy every page of this month’s issue of rez.


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